​                                                                                           C A R R O L L   C O U N T Y 
                                       R E P U B L I C A N   W O M E N  
                                                       Established in 1943
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Celebrating 81 years in Carroll County, IL.

RSVP text to Deb Peterson 563-343-2370
or email - [email protected]

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2025 Tentative Meetings 

Friday, February 7th Executive meeting at 9 am. Location TBD

Thursday, Feb 27th Membership meeting. 
Davis Center at 631 S East St, Mt Carroll.
Time: 12:00 Social and 12:30 Lunch/Meeting 
Speaker: Lana Soldat, IFRW President

Proposed Change: WEDNESDAY, April 16th Executive meeting at 9 am. Location TBD. 

Thursday, April 24th Membership meeting. Davis Center at 631 S East St, Mt Carroll.
Time: 12:00 Social and 12:30 Lunch/Meeting 
Speake: TBD

Friday, June 6th Executive meeting at 9 am. Location TBD

Thursday, June 26th Membership meeting. Location TBD.
Time: 5:00 pm Social and 5:30 Dinner/Meeting
Speaker: TBD

Friday, Sept 5th Executive meeting at 9 am. Location TBD

Thursday, Sept 25th Membership meeting.   Location TBD
Time: 5:00 pm Social 5:30 Dinner/Meeting 
Speaker: TBD

Friday, October 3rd Executive mtg at 9 am.
Location TBD

Thursday, Oct 23rd Membership and ANNUAL Meeting at 
Davis Center at 631 S East St, Mt Carroll
Time: 12:00 Social and 12:30 Lunch/Meeting 
Speaker: TBD

2025 CCRW
Membership Dues
are due. 
Mail membership form and dues to Deb Peterson. 

Thank you!
Carroll County carries 
and Joe McGraw.

76% Voter turnout!  Awesome!!!