Remember to Renew Your Membership in October!
Luncheons are a great time & place to renew, but you are also welcome to mail your form/check payable to CCRW to:
Elaine Rooker, PE, PO Box 201, Savanna, IL. 61074
Primary dues are $30, but we encourage you to consider joining at a GEM LEVEL. The extra funds are very much appreciated and help us to reach out into our Carroll County communities.
Our organization grows by invitation, so please invite your friends to our meetings, too.
Gem Levels are:
Ruby - $35 Primary Membership with $5 donation to CCRW
Emerald - $40 Primary Membership with $10 donation to CCRW
Diamond - $45 Primary Membership with $15 donation to CCRW
2024 CCRW Leadership
Executive Committee
(Voting members)
President - Patty Hiher
Vice President - Karen Funk
Secretary - Amy Buss
Treasurer - Deb Peterson
Immediate Past-President - Lana Soldat
Standing Committee Chairs
Standing Committees
(Voting Members)
Bylaws - Amy Barnes
Campaign Activities - Diane Bradbury
Fundraising - Robin McConnel
Legislative - Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman/ Lana Soldat
Membership - Lana Soldat / Elaine Rooker, P.E.
Programs - Karen Funk
Public Relations / Communications
- Deb Peterson (newspaper)
- Gail Noonan (website)
- Amy Buss (newsletter)
- Karen Funk (email)
Special Committees
Americanism/MELP - Lydia Hutchcraft/
Patti Kloepping
Armed Services - Amy Buss
Awards/Scholarship - Bridget O'Neill
Caring for America - Marla O'Neill
Club Achievement Awards - Karen Funk
Historian - Elaine Rooker, P.S.
Programs Committee
Savanna-Elaine Rooker, P.E.
Thomson - Lana Soldat/Robin McConnel
Milledgeville-Karen Funk
Lanark/Shannon - Patti Kloepping
Mt. Carroll - Amy Buss/Susan Jacobs
Appointed Positions
Chaplain - Lydia Hutchcraft
Parliamentarian - Susan Jacobs
Sunshine - April Eberle