​                                                                                           C A R R O L L   C O U N T Y 
                                       R E P U B L I C A N   W O M E N  
                                                       Established in 1943
HomeAbout UsCounty OfficialsFor MembersCommunity Events

(Describe when you were founded, the most important thing your company does, what you care most about, and what sets you apart from similar businesses.) 

Carroll County Republican Women is family-owned and operated right here in , . Since our company opened its doors in 2006, we’ve treated every customer like they were a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services are the best, and come with a personal touch.  
Our Mission

    Carroll County Republican Women is dedicated to promoting the principles of the Republican Party through an informed electorate by educating and empowering its members, and by electing Republicans to local, state and national offices.

    It is our mission to strengthen the voice of Republican women at all community and government levels. We support our local, state and national candidates and elected officials. We aspire to teach patriotism and the benefits of involvement.

    Our History
      - Carroll County Republican Women (CCRW) was founded in 1943 and was one of the first clubs to be established in Illinois.
    - The Club serves the communities of Carroll County Illinois, including Mt. Carroll, Savanna, Thomson, Chadwick, Milledgeville, Lanark, Shannon and Lake Carroll.
    - We take pride in our American heritage, our community and the support of our troops.
    - We are dedicated to the U.S. Constitution and to the principles of the Republican Party.
    - CCRW is part of the Illinois Federation of Republican Women (IFRW) and of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW).

 Republican Women are the heart and hands, the foot soldiers of the Republican Party.  
 Republican Women are informed, attuned, and motivated to synergize Republican principles.   
Join us for 2024!

 Together We
    -Identify and Elect Republican candidates at all levels.
    -Volunteer and Vote and hold accountable Republican
       and other Elected Officials.
    -Team up and stand shoulder to shoulder to continue to 

                                Keep America Great

We are an army of Republican Women that support the Republican Party Platform and work towards growing new Republican leaders at all levels of government.

2016 thru 2024 we have already been making History!  

What will YOU do to be a positive part 
of that history in 2025
Make a difference and grow our freedoms.

Bring a friend to join our Club TODAY!


    Patty Hiher 2023-2024
    Lana Soldat, 2021-2022
    Honorable Rep. Tony McCombie, 2019-20 
    Jodi Purlee, 2015-2018
    Robin McConnel, 2011-2014
    Michelle Schuman, 2007- 2010
    Venita McConnel, 2005-2006 
    Judy Gray, 2003-2004
    Betty Harms, 2001-2002 
    Frances Burkholder, 1999-2001 
    Sandra Kopecky, 1995-1998 
    Frances Burkholder, 1993-1994 
    Margie Bausman, 1989-1992 
    JoAnn Palmer, 1987-1988
    Val Warner, 1987
    Betty Harms, 1983-1986
    Wanda Stewart, 1981-1982
    Nancy Freeman, 1979-1980 
    Marilyn Magill, 1977-1978
    Helen Turnbaugh, 1975-1976 
    Harriet Bickelhaupt, 1973-1974 
    Bernelle Weiler, 1971-1972
    Helen Mackay, 1967-1970
    Martha Hartman, 1965-1966 
    Roberta Colehour Rusk, 1964 
    Maxine Polhill, 1963-1964
    Evelyn Senneff, 1959-1962
    N. Jean Sturtevant, 1957-1958 
    Mrs. Stanley Finnefrock, 1955-1956 
    Maxine Polhill, 1943-1954

Engaging, Educating & Empowering Women...
since 1943

C C R W   S c h o l a r s h i p   W i n n e r s

    2024-----Isabella Lego - Lanark
    2023-----Tori Mosher - Mt. Carroll
    2022-----Ty Bickelhaupt - Mt. Carroll
    2021-----Sophia Guenzler - Savanna
    2020-----Nicole Adolph - Mt. Carroll          
    2019-----Kortney Queckenborne - Milledgeville 
    2018-----Leah Kuiper - Lanark


​   Foster respect for the Flag of the United States of America as well as provide educational materials/books to local libraries and/or schools.

  Seek to identify veterans in our community so as to honor them and their service to our country. 

  Establish criteria for the CCRW Annual Scholarship Award directed to local High Schools Seniors and determine a worthy recipient.  Winner will present their essay at the June meeting.  Also, establish criteria for the Bernette Weiler Award (CCRW Woman of the Year), determine the winner, if one, and announce the winner at the final CCRW meeting of the year. 

    Support our local communities by supporting local organizations such as but not limited to local food pantries, active military, law enforcement, fire officials, and other first responders. 

    Review criteria for the NFRW Club Achievement Award biennial program and pursue a level of achievement. CCRW was awarded the highest level (Diamond) in 2021 and 2023, and the Gold Club Achievement Award in 2019.

    Assists the Secretary in documenting and maintaining historical events. 



Conduct a biennial review of the CCRW bylaws and Standing Rules; to receive, consider, and draft recommendations in regard to possible changes in Bylaws and Standing Rules.

Mobilize CCRW in support of local, state and federal campaigns. Organize participation in local parades and the county fair. Gather and submit the CCRW campaign hours to NFRW twice a year in January and July.

Prepare and implement a plan for raising funds in order
to meet the CCRW’s budget.

    Inform CCRW membership on state and national issues pending in the Illinois General Assembly and US Congress. 

    Assist in efforts to increase membership and aid in the planning of membership recruitment events. 

    Plan CCRW meetings by securing the venue, menu, cost of attendance, table decorations and speaker(s).  

   Promote good public relations for the CCRW; not only through the usual media such as newspapers, and radio, but also through social media, email, newsletters, CCRW website, and the precinct committeemen.